GR10 week 7 hiking in Ariege, Pyrenees Orientales

From Barage de Riete to Py 2025

The seventh GR10 week starts from Tarascon in the Ariege and ends in Py where you spend the night in an auberge. This week you leave the green Ariege and you enter the Pyrenees Orientales. Also this week you hike some beautiful stretches with several nights in the refuges where a car can not come.
Highlights are the hikes to and from refuge the Ruhle and the yellow train. Also the fort at Mont Louis is interesting.

Saturday September 13, You arrive in Tarascon where you spend the night in a hotel based on Bed and Breakfast.
You can fly with Easyjet from London to Toulouse. The price will be around  95 pound for a return.
You can also fly with Ryanair from London to Carcassonne.
From Toulouse and Carcassonne you can go by train to Tarascon.

GR10 Merens Sunday September 14, a Taxi will bring you to Barage de Riete from where you start your hike of 8 hours. Your difference in altitude today is about 1200 meters. You spend your night in the very beautiful refuge the ruhle (half board).

Monday September 15, after breakfast you hike to Merens les Vals. It is a very nice walk where you can take your time. You pass a lake where you can take a very lovely stop. This day is about 5 hours going down and very beautiful. Tonight you sleep in the gite of Merens les Vals based on Half Board.

Tuesday September 16, You start hiking after your breakfast on your way to refuge des Besines. Today you enter the Pyrenees Orientales. This is also a very nice day, you climb the whole day with a great reward. The track is about 5h40 and you climb 1300 meters and go down for 400 meters. The luggage is already transported to the gite in Planes. You sleep in the refuge based on half board.

Wednesday September 17, after breakfast you start your day. This day is about 7 hours and you climb about 500 meters and you descend about 400 meters. This night you sleep in a refuge at the lake at Bouilliouses based on half board.

Thursday September 18, this day is a simple hike , about 5 hours and 500 meters of difference in altitude. Today you go through Mont Louis so you could visit the Fort. This night you sleep in a very beautiful gite in Planes. (1/2 board)

GR10 week 7 Caranca

refuge caranca

Friday September 19, another nice and beautiful hike where you spend the night in a basic refuge (half board). But the area is beautiful. The stretch is about 6 hours and 900 meters difference in altitude.

Saturday September 20, the last hike of GR10 week 7 is a about 6 hours where you descend 800 meters and ascend 500 meters. You end in Py where you spend the night based on 1/2 board. Maybe this is also your start of week 8.

Sunday September 21 after the breakfast you will be transferred by a taxi to Prades or Tarascon
Easyjet flies Toulouse to London.
Ryanair flies Carcassonne to London.


There are 7 nights based on 1/2 board (breakfast and dinner) and 1 night includes breakfast.
There are 7 days where you need a packed meal.


If you have some questions, send us un email!